The 7 Types of AI – And Why We Talk (Mostly) About 3 of Them

The 7 Types of AI - And Why We Talk (Mostly) About 3 of Them

The 7 Types of AI - And Why We Talk (Mostly) About 3 of Them

In the realm of technological advancements, artificial intelligence (AI) stands out as a field of both immense potential and intense speculation. The concept of AI can be broken down into seven distinct types, each with its own capabilities and functionalities. However, the majority of discussions tend to focus on just three of these types. This article aims to demystify the seven types of AI and explain why our conversations are predominantly centered around a trio of these categories.

Understanding AI Capabilities: The Big Three

When we talk about AI capabilities, we are referring to the potential applications and the extent of intelligence that AI systems can exhibit. Currently, there are three main types of AI capabilities that dominate the discourse: artificial narrow AI, artificial general intelligence (AGI), and artificial super AI.

Artificial narrow AI, also known as “weak AI,” is the only type of AI that we have successfully realized to date. Despite its seemingly modest designation, narrow AI is incredibly powerful and can outperform humans in specific tasks. It is, however, limited to its predefined functions and requires human intervention for training. This is the AI that is most prevalent in our daily lives, from voice assistants to recommendation systems.

AGI, or “strong AI,” is a theoretical concept that has captured the imagination of many. Unlike narrow AI, AGI would have the ability to apply learned skills and knowledge to new and diverse tasks without human retraining. It represents a level of cognitive flexibility akin to human intelligence, making it a popular subject in science fiction and speculative discussions.

Artificial super AI takes the concept even further, envisioning a future where AI possesses cognitive abilities that surpass human capabilities. This type of AI would be able to think, reason, learn, and make judgments independently, potentially developing emotions, needs, and desires of its own. The implications of such an AI are profound and often unsettling, leading to much debate and ethical considerations.

AI Functionalities: Narrow AI in Action

When we shift our focus to AI functionalities, we delve into the practical applications of AI as we know it today. Narrow AI can be categorized into two main functionalities: reactive machine AI and limited memory AI.

Reactive machine AI is designed for specific, specialized tasks. It operates on statistical mathematics to analyze data and generate intelligent outputs. A historical example is IBM’s Deep Blue, which defeated chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov by predicting outcomes based on the chessboard’s configuration. Reactive machine AI is characterized by its ability to handle large datasets and provide insights within its specialized domain.

Limited memory AI, on the other hand, can reference past events and outcomes to inform its current decisions. It monitors objects or situations over time and uses both historical and present data to achieve desired results. As it is exposed to more data, its performance improves. This type of AI is at the heart of many generative AI chatbots, which use limited memory capabilities to predict text, phrases, or visual elements in context.

The Theoretical Frontier: AGI and Beyond

While narrow AI functionalities are well-established, the theoretical capabilities of AGI introduce two more types of AI: theory of mind AI and self-aware AI.

Theory of mind AI would be capable of understanding and inferring the thoughts and emotions of humans, allowing for personalized interactions based on individual emotional states and intentions. Emotion AI, which is currently in development, aims to analyze various data forms to respond to human feelings, representing a step towards this type of AI.

Self-aware AI, the most daunting of all, would possess an understanding of its own internal states, leading to its own emotions, needs, and beliefs. This type of AI remains purely speculative but is a topic of intense interest due to its potential implications for society and the future of human-AI interactions.

Why the Focus on Three Types of AI?

The reason why discussions about AI tend to focus on artificial narrow AI, AGI, and artificial super AI is twofold. Firstly, narrow AI is the only type we have fully realized and integrated into various aspects of our lives, making it the most relevant and tangible to discuss. Secondly, AGI and super AI represent the next frontiers of AI development, capturing our collective imagination and raising important questions about the future of technology and humanity.

As we continue to explore and push the boundaries of AI, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of these seven types of AI. This taxonomy not only helps us appreciate the current state of AI but also prepares us for the advancements that lie ahead. Whether we are discussing the AI we use today or the AI of tomorrow, these seven types provide a framework for understanding the journey of AI development and its potential impact on our world.

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